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Virtual work experience with top employers

Virtual Work Experience with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
For students and parents/guardians
Join us for a live session that links to the IMeche Virtual Work Experience for Engineering. We will be joined by experts from IMechE members, Red Bull and the Olympic GB Cycling team, the International Society for Snowsport Safety and IDA Sports. You'll get advice on how to approach some of the tasks on our VWEX course, first-hand knowledge of sports engineering, product research and development, and hear from a professional cyclist who leads an engineering unit at Red Bull.

Virtual Work Experience with the Institution of Mechanical Engineering
For students and parents/guardians
Join us for a live session that links to the IMeche Virtual Work Experience for Engineering. We will be joined by experts from IMechE, Red Bull and Formula Student. You'll get advice on how to approach some of the tasks on our Unifrog VWEX course, first-hand knowledge from a Formula Student winner, and hear what it's like to work in Formula 1 Motor Racing by the Technical Director at Red Bull Power Trains, formerly from Mercedes.
Mon 16 Sep @ 16:30 UK time - passed