Unifrog for UK
schools and colleges
We help students explore their interests, compare Apprenticeships, FE courses and University courses, then apply successfully.
We also empower careers leaders and teachers to manage work experience, PSHE, and the careers and progression process effectively.
What is Unifrog?
The universal
destinations platform
What do our partners think?
would recommend Unifrog to others.
schools and colleges across the UK.
1.9 mil
active students on the platform.
Everything in
one place
- Personality quizPersonality quiz linked to
careers and university subjects. - Interests QuizHolland Codes quiz linked
to careers searching. - WE QuizWork environments quiz linked
to careers searching. - Skills QuizSkills quiz linked
to careers searching. - Skills ToolRecord how you've
evidenced key skills. - Quiz ProfileOne profile synthesized
from taking all our quizzes - CareersExplore how interests translate
into different careers. - SubjectsDetailed, searchable profiles
of every university subject area - Know-howWatch experts explain every
aspect of progression. - CoursesUni tasters, Virtual WEX,
life skills. - MOOCsTry out different subject areas.
Evidence independence. - EventsHear from experts at
webinars and fairs.
- ApprenticeshipsEvery apprenticeship, Degree
Apprenticeship, and SLP. - College & 6th FormCompare college and
Sixth Form courses. - OxbridgeThe colleges aren't all the same.
Find the best for you. - Special opportunitiesOne place to find scholarships,
residentials, contextual offers. - International UnisIt's a minefield. Find the best
universities for you. - UK UniversitiesCompare every undergraduate
course on multiple factors.
- App ManagementAdd your applications
and track progress. - Personal StatementsDraft it. Get feedback.
Perfect it. - ReferencesWrite Subject References.
Collate into Overall References. - CV / ResumeDraft it. Then tweak it to
suit different opportunities. - Covering LettersFor any letter or essay:
draft, edit, get feedback. - LockerUnlimited storage for progression
and application materials.
- Teaching resourcesPlug-and-play resources
for Careers Guidance. - DestinationsRecord and analyse
students' destinations. - Usage ChartsGorgeous interactive charts to
analyse your school's Unifrog usage. - DownloadsCreate custom reports
via multiple downloads. - WEX / PlacementsThe administration behind
placements made easy - InteractionsRecord every Careers Guidance
event for every student.
Unifrog essentials
Some of the most important things about
our work with UK schools and colleges
Meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks
We will be your trusted partner in meeting all 8 of the Gatsby Benchmarks.
We have carefully developed the platform itself to help - for example by adding extra regional and national LMI into the job profiles in our Careers Library.
We also bring to bear lessons learned from working with 3,000+ schools and colleges to help consultatively. For example when you first start to plan how you'll use the platform, and then in our ongoing strategic meetings with you - we shape our advice and training to support you to meet particular Benchmarks.

What students
can do on Unifrog
Explore pathways

Interests, personality and skills quizzes
Get to know yourself better by taking a series of skills quizzes covering interests, skills, personality and preferred work environments.
Explore careers using LMI
Search our database of over 1,000 career profiles, and use regional and national LMI to make informed decisions.
Placements / WEX
Enjoy work experience without hassle: our Placements tool is the industry leading system for managing placements, including the paperwork regarding Health & Safety, Risk Assessments, GDPR, Insurance, and Safeguarding. We make the experience streamlined for students, employers, parents and school/college placement coordinators.
Guides and webinars
Search hundreds of articles (with videos) on everything to do with progression and PSHE, and attend 10s of live webinars, featuring lots of interaction with experts.
Build a record of achievement

Record extra-curricular activities
Record your extra-curriular and super-curricular activities, and over time build a digital record of the great things you've done.
Evidence and reflect on key skills
Using a framework tailored to your school or college, record examples of when you've demonstrated key skills.
Keep everything in your Locker
Store in your Unifrog Locker any sort of file or URL which might be useful to your personal development or progression.
Compare every opportunity

Compare every post-16 and post-18 pathway
Compare apprenticeships, FE courses, and university courses, as well as thousands of undergraduate programmes taught in English across the world, including in the US, Canada, Europe and Asia.
Special opportunities
Find scholarships, summer schools and virtual work experiences, and filter to see opportunities availble only to students with particular characteristics.
Connect with universities and employers
Take part in live events like university-run subject taster courses, and employer-run skill development workshops.
Craft excellent applications

Purpose-built tools to draft application materials
Use our purpose-built tools, expert guides and examples to craft excellent application materials, like Personal Statements, CVs and Cover Letters.
Easy feedback
Receive feedback from your teachers, and never lose your work because our specialist tools save complete histories of what you've written.
What teachers
can do on Unifrog
Visualise your data

At-a-glance reporting
Visualise how students and teachers are using the platform using interactive, live-data Charts. Track your progress regarding the Gatsby Benchmarks, the Baker Clause and Destinations.
A complete audit trail
Record every careers interaction in one place, meaning you have comprehensive evidence for Ofsted and ISI inspections.
Intended destinations vs sustained destinations
Report on intended vs sustained destinations, and analyse the information by characteristics like PP, SEND, EAL, gender and academic ability.
Careers Year Plan and PSHE Pack

Whole school Careers Year Plan
Have at your fingertips the most important teaching sessions for whole-school CEIAG, without doing any resource creation yourself. Every session in the Year Plan is mapped against the Gatsby Benchmarks, the CDI Framework and the Career Education Standards.
Whole school PSHE Pack
Fully meet the DfE and PSHE Association objectives for PSHE for students 11-18 using out 90+ lesson pack.
Plug-and-play, flexible, structured, integrated and engaging
Access to our 300+ teaching resources is a key part of using Unifrog. The sessions demand minimal prep time, are flexible, nicely paced, maximise your use of the Unifrog platform, and - most important of all - are fun and engaging, with lots of active learning.
Outstanding customer service

World class customer support
You'll have a friendly and efficient response to any query within 24 hours. 99.5% of our partners rate our customer service as 'very good' or 'fantastic'.
Bespoke staff training
You'll get bespoke staff training to get you up to speed, then access to regular remote and in-person training.
Ongoing strategic support
Your dedicated support team will work with you to understand your CEIAG goals and maximise your use of the platform.
Community, conferences, and CPD

Free conferences and CPD
Gain insights from experts and your peers, plus build links with businesses and universities, at our regional and national conferences and CPD meetings.
Annual Careers Fair
Meet 100+ universities and employers at our annual Careers Fair: one easily accessible virtual space for students and teachers.
Join our Facebook group of 2,500+ teachers, careers leaders, university reps and employer recruiters. Sign up to our weekly newsletter for industry news, useful resources and training opportunities.
Who uses Unifrog?
Schools and colleges
all over the world

Who has joined the Unifrog community?
More than 2,800 schools and
colleges around the UK
"Since introducing Unifrog a few years ago as part of our CEIAG programme, student engagement across all year groups has soared. We have used the platform in PSHE, utilised many of the fantastic blended learning plans in careers lessons and been able."

Esme Major, Head of Careers
Newcastle Under Lyme School
"Unifrog is a fantastic platform which supports the development and tracking of young people’s skills and DYW experiences while also linking them to the Career Education Standard. For S5/6 offers information and support for a positive destination no matter whether the young person’s pathway is into the workplace, Further or Higher Education. The Unifrog team are extremely helpful and I would highly recommend this wonderful resource."

Ros Ranger, Deputy Head
Balerno High School
"Unifrog is absolutely crucial in the delivery of careers education at Trent College. It is easy to use and navigate for pupils and staff alike and our pupils would be hugely disadvantaged without it. We now use Unifrog with all year groups, from 7-13 and I am evangelical about it, both the platform and the support provided are fabulous!"

Fiona Starbuck, Careers Leader
Trent College
"It’s our mission to ensure that all of our students, no matter what their background, have access to the best careers advice - and Unifrog is fundamental in enabling us to achieve this goal."

Jo Wood, Head of Student Development and Careers Programme Leader
Birkenhead Sixth Form College
"Unifrog is the perfect careers platform for our KS3 and KS4 students. The easily accessible resources and tools enable them to make informed choices regarding their next steps."

Rosemary Atkinson, Head of Careers
Da Vinci Academy
"Our careers and university processes were quite good to start with, and Unifrog slotted in nicely with those, without demanding a complete overhaul of what we were already doing."

Alex Handy, Assistant Head
Caludon Castle
"The platform acts as a means of recording achievements and tracking students’ engagement in extra-curricular activities, as well as a means of adding activities we run in school using the Interactions tool. The opportunity for them to record and reflect is invaluable."

Catherine Jacks, Head of Careers
Clayesmore School
"Overall my favourite aspect of the platform is that it centralises a previously disparate process. I can log in and see what any student is doing at any moment, and message them in real time, and I can do the same with staff."

Rebecca Brattle, Head of Sixth Form
Robert Napier Academy
"From a strategic point of view, it allows us to sit back and know exactly what staff and students are doing and how they’re engaging with our stable careers programme."

Lucy Hemsley, Deputy Head of Sixth Form
Cheltenham Bournside School
"Unifrog is brilliant! It enables pupils (and parents) across our community to consider different career options and make informed study choices. It also helps them to develop vital employability skills to prepare them for life in the working world. It is fun and easy to use with a wealth of information all stored in one place. I recommend it to everyone."

Caroline King, Careers and External Relations Officer
The King's School Macclesfield
"''The way the Unifrog team led the training sessions was exemplary: it was concise and practical. They were very keen to make the whole process of getting us trained and ready to embed the platform in our school as painless, clear and as fluent as possible, and that was really appreciated."

Nick Russell, Head of Sixth Form
Epsom College
"Unifrog has been one of the best things we’ve invested in during my time as director of Post-16. It has had a massive impact on student motivation, on opening doors and making students aware of where they can go and raising their aspirations."

Chris Wilson, Director of Post-16
Outwood Grange
"Unifrog has given our students much more insight into their options, not limiting them to just a university search. The platform has definitely given students right across the ability spectrum raised aspirations and increased confidence in their choices."

Emma Shoreland, Director of Teaching & Learning Key Stage 5
St. Gregory’s Catholic School
"Both my students and colleagues have found the Careers Library invaluable when researching careers of interest. Whenever a student asks about a career I don’t know much about, my go to is always “check Unifrog!” and it hasn’t let me down yet."

Evelyn Burke, Careers Leader
Lincroft Academy
"Ofsted asked us quite a few questions about how compliant our work experience programme is…What’s beautiful about the Unifrog Placements tool is you can literally see for every student where they’ve gone on Placement and all the details, even down to the employer’s insurance documents. Ofsted were really happy I was able to produce that at the drop-of-a-hat."

James Gold
The Highfield School
We're building the universal destinations platform, together.
We want to level the playing field when it comes to students finding and applying successfully for the best opportunities for them. We're building a platform that can enable this to happen by working closely with our community of students and teachers. Join us!
Unifrog and the
Gatsby Benchmarks
Here's how Unifrog helps our partner schools and colleges
meet the Benchmarks or download as a PDF.
A stable careers programme

Careers Year Plan and teaching resources
Our Careers Year Plan is made up of excellent, adaptable teaching resources that are tailored to each year group, from Y7 to Y13. The plan makes it easy for you to develop a stable, whole-school/college careers programme.
Goal setting and review meetings
Your dedicated regional support team will meet with you to set the Goals you want to achieve with Unifrog and your CEIAG programme. They'll provide you with tailored guidance and resources, and meet with you reguarly to review progress against your Goals.
Parent engagement
Parents and guardians have access to their own Unifrog accounts to explore Post-16 and Post-18 options, and read up-to-date information on topics from HE finance, apprenticeship levels and study abroad. You can share guides directly with them via the Unifrog platform, and generate a record of these interations with parents and guardians.
Learning from career and labour market information

Explore up-to-date national and local LMI
Students have access to up-to-date LMI data on over 1,000 career and subjects library profiles, allowing them to see - for any area of the UK - LMI like the most popular jobs, median salaries and even what jobs people in that area are more likely to do versus the national average.
Full range of options
Our Careers library and Know-how library comprise an enormous, easily searchable treasure trove of information about the full range of career pathways and progression routes available, so students understand where their education and training choices could take them.
Career and LMI student guides and teaching resources
Our Resources library contains sessions to support students with understanding LMI and career sector prospects. Used in conjunction with our Careers and Subjects library guides, students and parents can assess growth areas and make informed decisions about their next steps.
Addressing the needs of each pupil

Record, track, feedback
It's easy to assign students to particluar groups such as 'Pupil Premium' and 'SEND', then track the support and feedback they're given. Teachers can send students messages within the platform, providing feedback and support with their next steps. You can report on how well you support a particular type of student versus others.
Upload straight to Compass +
Our Interactions tool allows teachers to set students specific tasks, record interactions and map their activities against the Gatsby Benchmarks. This keeps the school's careers programme under one roof, and students have access to their careers record at all times. Careers Leaders then download the information from Unifrog and upload it directly to Compass+.
Personalised student journey
Each user has their own profile which they can access on any device, at any time. The platform holds the world's biggest database of Post 16 and Post 18 pathways and supports students with every stage of the progression process - from exploring their interests to learning about different jobs, to searching for live opportunities, crafting and submitting their actual applications.
Independent and impartial
Unifrog is committed to independence and impartiality. We show students everything, and the platform gives them the tools to make their own informed choices on all of the academic and vocational pathways available.
Destinations and alumni
Unifrog allows you to track your students' intentions and destinations data, as well as create an alumni database. Use this data to review your careers provision and inform continuous improvement of your programme for your students.
Linking curriculum learning to careers

Job profiles linked to subjects
The Subjects library provides career and pathway information for each subject, allowing students to look ahead and understand where their subjects of interest can lead.
Teaching resources linking careers to subject lessons
The Resources library has a dedicated section for resources which focus on linking curriculum learning to careers. Subject staff can deliver plug and play sessions exploring the relevance of their subjects to careers and pathways.
Classroom teachers can record CEIAG interactions
Interactions and activities can be easily recorded by all classroom teachers, supporting a truly whole school or college guidance programme.
Super-curricular content
Our Read, Watch, Listen tool contains thousands of handpicked books, podcasts, films and TED talks providing teachers with a bank of materials related to their subjects and careers related to the field. Students and teachers can sign up for subject or career specific webinars to learn more from experts within those sectors.
Encounters with employers and employees

Webinars and videos starring lead employers
Students have meaningful engagement with employers and employees during webinars and virtual careers fairs where they have the chance to ask questions and learn from their knowledge. Careers library profiles contain videos from employers and employees providing information on entry requirements through to daily activities within their roles.
Student - Employer networking
Through our Employer partnerships, students have the chance to contact employers directly to hear more about available opportunities. Students can apply for, and take part in, a range of employer lead activites from Skills Development workshops to 1:1 coaching programmes, providing meaningful encounters to support their progression into the world of work.
Track and target for particular encounters
Intuitive functionality for teachers to plan and track encounters with employers, and gather feedback from students on what they have learnt from these encounters. Track encounters via groups of students or individuals, and share opportunities of upcoming webinars or workshops with target students.
Teaching resources to prepare for encounters
Resources that support students to maximise encounters with employers and employees can be found in the Resources library. Utilise worksheets to prepare for careers fairs, deliver sessions on finding and applying for work experience, or engage students with interview preparation.
Comprehensive Apprenticeship database
The apprenticeships tool is the most complete database of UK apprenticeships in existence. Updated every 24 hours, it pulls together vacancies of all levels, from Traineeships to Degree Apprenticeships, and includes employer descriptions and links to apply for each live vacancy.
Experiences of workplaces

Work experience management
The Placements tool streamlines the admin behind the placements process. A series of forms, to be completed by specific people at specific times, from students' initial applications and employer confirmation of legal requirements, through to parental consent and relflection forms to make the whole process easier and more accessible.
Prepare for work experience
Access top-notch resources in the Resources library to help students prepare for their work experience, including idenitfying sectors of interest and how to behave in a work environment, and how to reflect of their experences.
Find work experience
Create your own employer database using the Placements tool. Review previous work placements, filter them by sector, the student feedback of those experiences and support current students with contacting those employers using our applications tools.
CV and Cover Letter writing
Easy-to-use CV building and competency-recording tools to help students craft impressive applications, alongside a Writing tool to curate cover letters for applications to work experience or part and full time employment.
Encounters with Further and Higher Education

Every opportunity, in one place
Our university and FE search tools ensure students can easily compare every academic and vocational opportunity acailable at Post 16 and Post 18, to inspire them with the wealth of opportunities available. Students can contact universities directly with our 'Put me in touch' buttons, sign up for open days and create shortlists to be discussed with parents/carers and teachers.
Track events and Baker Clause compliance
Teachers can add upcoming encounters with further and higher education to students' Unifrog calendars, send reminders before the events, then track and report on these interactions later on. This makes it easy to spot, for example, students with particular characteristics having fewer encounters with further or higher education than students with other characteristics, as well as reporting on evidencing your compliance with the Baker Clause.
Special opportunities
Our Special opportunities tool makes it easy for students to find thousands of summer schools, scholarships and contextual offers, and is the only database of is kind. In terms of scholarships alone, the tool shows students £5M of opportunities that are otherwise tricky to find.
Interactive webinars with FE and uni reps
Students and teachers can access panel based webinars with FE and university representatives throughout the academic year. Webinars include application masterclasses to deep-dives into specific subjects. Students can opt in to hear more from the universities that are presenting.
Personal guidance

Recording and tracking
The Interactions tool means you can quickly ensure all students receive the personal guidance they need. You can see how far along the progression process each student has got to (have all students in a particular year group completed a CV?), and you can see if students are missing a particular intervention, for example have all students had a 1:1 meeting with a qualified advisor?
1-1 resources and 24/7 impartial information
Unifrog also makes the logistics of delivering personal guidance a doddle. You can add 1:1 guidance sessions to students' calendars, send them reminders, and share pre and post-interview worksheets and materials to maximise their time with the advisor. Students have access to every Post 16 and Post 18 pathway at all times, ensuring they can research opportunities and reflect on the guidance and feedback they've received to date via their Unifrog profile.
Teacher - Parent teamwork
Using the parent/guardian summary email function, any upcoming or CEIAG interactions added to a student's profile can be emailed to the parent/guardian. This feature allows students and parents/guardians to be aware of the events and support available, and encourage discussions at home around careers and next steps.
Accounts for external advisers
External advisors can have their own Unifrog accounts, with permission from the schools and colleges they work with, and can add their 1:1 interactions with students, share guides and set tasks to be completed.
Help us build something fantastic
We are building the one-stop-shop for destinations, together. Request a demo and we'll get back to you right away to arrange a time.