How Bloomberg is getting closer to disadvantaged students with Unifrog’s help
4th January 2024

Building a diverse talent pool can be tricky business without the added challenge of getting in touch with students who haven’t even heard of your organisation. Unifrog is here to help both you and the students who would be fantastic candidates for your company.
This year, Bloomberg partnered with Unifrog with the aim of reaching out to students in disadvantaged areas. Together, our goal was to help level the playing field by showcasing opportunities they might not even be aware of.
How can Unifrog help?
As an employer, partnering with Unifrog gives you the chance to share your apprenticeships, school leaver schemes, internships, and other opportunities with over 1.7 million 11–18-year-olds across the world.
You’ll spend time with our Employer Partnerships Managers, who’ll help you to create the right strategy based on your goals and objectives, and then get you started on matching campaigns and events to help you achieve them.
Bloomberg wanted to support students in London by providing them with the necessary support systems to make social mobility a reality, even in the most disadvantaged areas. To do this, they worked with Unifrog Employer Partnerships Manager Caroline Collins, who set them up with two events for London-based students, where they could learn more about the opportunities Bloomberg can offer them.
Organising events like this through Unifrog meant all Bloomberg had to do was gather their speakers and show up on the day: Caroline took care of the invites by advertising to our contacts through the platform, she provided the resources, and she completed all the follow-up work, taking the stress out of everything.
The events showed students who Bloomberg are and what they do, giving them a glimpse of life as an apprentice working in finance, data, and HR, and the opportunity to network with current apprentices over tea and coffee. Bloomberg also gave students advice on what recruiters look for in candidates, with top tips on mastering the application process for any job, whether at Bloomberg or not.
How did it go for Bloomberg?
A massive 223 students from across 70 Unifrog schools attended the two events, along with some of their teachers and careers advisers.
At the IMD 1-3 event, Bloomberg encouraged engagement through offering five Wonka-style golden tickets to the most engaged students at the event. This ticket rewarded them with a one-to-one with a Bloomberg recruiter to help them with any of their applications.
Jacob Lovick, Unifrog Area Manager said:
And their Women in Tech event was even more successful: Caroline supported them in using student feedback from the first event to make it even stronger. For example, the panel discussion consisted of female speakers aged two-three years older than the students in attendance, all from diverse backgrounds, so the discussion felt more relevant to the audience. And during the break, Bloomberg provided even more networking opportunities for the students by deploying 20 apprentices from across the organisation to get to know the attendees over tea and coffee. This was so successful that it was difficult to get the students and apprentices back in the room when the break was over!
Polina Andreeva, Unifrog Account Manager said:
The students at both events were so engaged that Bloomberg emailed every attendee with links to free platforms to help them build their skills, a link to their own nine-hour course on financial theory, a link to a virtual customer experience platform, and more!
What did the students think?
Every student who attended felt like they really got something out of the day, and most were looking forward to the follow-up webinar to get their applications started.
Some of them were thankful to get the information they’d been looking for to help them make their post-18 choices:
While others enjoyed hearing from people like them:
And others were just desperate to make the event at any cost!:
Interested in helping talented students find their feet and gain insights into your company? Get in touch with us here to discuss running your very own inclusive recruitment events with Unifrog.