Looking back at Unifrog in 2016
22nd December 2016

The end of 2016 sees Unifrog reach our third year in action and it’s seen us undergo a huge amount of change.
In the run-up to 2016 we were the only place students could compare every UK post-school opportunity in one place, be those university courses, apprenticeships or vocational college courses. This empowered students to make thoroughly informed decisions about their futures, thanks to the huge amount of information and data points we bring together.
We didn’t stop there. In 2016 we’ve been continuing to build the platform – turning it into the Complete Destinations Platform:
Our Application Management tools make the process of writing Personal Statements and Teacher References both easier and more successful, marrying expert guidance with progress bars so that every student and teacher knows their next step and who’s done what, with clear lines of accountability.
Students also now have access to a CV builder, empowering them to create tailored CVs for the broad range of job opportunities that exist today. Our Competencies Store allows students to record all their key skills and traits so they have a bank of these to draw on for CVs, interviews and for their Personal Statements.
International Universities
One of our main goals at Unifrog is to be the place where young people can compare every course taught in English in the world. The first international system we have completed is our tool for The Netherlands, which we’ve created in close collaboration with the Dutch government and a host of the Netherlands’ leading universities. We are now working on tools for the US and many more countries that will be ready to use within the academic year.
Additional Search Tools
We’ve also created some fantastic search tools for more specific opportunities. Our Oxbridge tool enables students to make strategic choices about which college to apply to at Oxford or Cambridge and demystifies the complex application process. Meanwhile, our MOOCs tool makes it easy to find the best, free online courses so students can explore specific subject areas and demonstrate their passion for that subject as well as the ability to learn independently.
We've recently adapted many of our tools so that Unifrog is now just as useful for KS4 as well as KS5 students as they start to consider their futures. This has been fantastic for helping our partner schools to roll out the platform to KS4 year groups and to assist younger students to start thinking seriously about their options and pathways from an earlier age.
To find out more about any of this please just get in touch here.
As ever, we’re committed to visiting all our partner schools three times every year to help your students, parents and staff make the most of the platform.
2017 is going to be even bigger; we’ve got some really exciting additions to the platform in the pipeline and we can’t wait to share them with you!
Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and happy new year,
Daniel Keller, Head of Business Development and Delivery on behalf of The Unifrog Team