Unifrog's Careers Year Plan: 3 sample lessons (UK schools/colleges)
Download 3 sample careers education lessons

Learn about Unifrog's Careers Year Plan, and download 3 sample lessons from it
What is Unifrog’s Careers Year Plan?
Unifrog’s Careers Year Plan is a comprehensive set of plug-and-play teaching resources, included for free in a Unifrog subscription, that makes it easy for schools and colleges to meet:
- Gatsby Benchmark 1: a stable careers programme
- The CDI Career Development Framework (2021)
- The PSHE Association objectives for careers
Delivering the lessons also helps you to make the most out of Unifrog: student activities link back to the platform.
How is the Year Plan structured?
The Careers Year Plan is made up of 4 strands of lessons:
- Careers education lessons
- Quick task sessions
- Psychometric testing lessons
- Applications lessons
The Careers education lessons are structured around the six CDI Framework learning areas:
Below are three sample lessons taken from the ‘Create opportunities’ area within the Careers education strand.
Sample lesson 1: What is an entrepreneur? (Year 7)
- Students identify the skills that entrepreneurs have and reflect on their own entrepreneurial skills.
- Students use the Unifrog Skills tool to record an example of a situation when they’ve demonstrated an entrepreneurial skill.
Download the lesson PowerPoint here.
Sample lesson 2: Preparing to go on work experience (Year 10)
- Students are guided to consider ways they can make the most of their work experience and set meaningful goals.
- Students fill out a work experience journal, with sections for before, during, and after their placement.
Download the lesson PowerPoint here and accompanying work experience journal here.
Sample lesson 3: Preparing for an employer assessment day (Year 13)
- Students work in groups to role-play an employer assessment day group exercise.
- Students use the Unifrog Skills tool to record one of the skills they demonstrated during the group exercise, considering the context, action, and result.
Download the lesson PowerPoint here.